

Warren Wood’s rules for the acceptable use of computers and online safety.

Acceptable use of computers and Online safety

Warren Wood’s Smart Thinking poster

E-safety SMART Thinking poster

Kiddle– safe search engine for children

Interland– Online safety games for KS2 children 

Think you know – Visit the ‘Parent/Carer’ section and use the ‘Click CEOP’ button to seek advice and report online abuse.

Childnet  – Visit the ‘Know It All’ section for an interactive guide about online safety.

Get Safe online  – Free up-to-date security advice for parents/carers

Clever Click Safe – Internet safety advice for young people and parents/carers

BBC online safety

Safe network – Online support for children

Parent Info -Expert information to help children and young people stay safe online

NSPCC Online Safety -Helpful advice and tools you can use to help keep your child safe whenever and wherever they go online.

Safer Internet Day 2020 – Resources/information for children and parents/carers

Digital Parenting Online – How to keep children safe online 


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Warren WoodPrimary School

Turnstone Road, Offerton, Stockport SK2 5XU

School Office | 0161 456 8171
