KS1 - Yr 1 & 2 2024 - 2025

Mrs Byers

Mrs Ahmed

Mrs Prior

Mrs Belsten

Miss Johnston

YEAR 1 - Mrs Prior & Mrs Belsten and Miss Chloe Schofield (Covering for Mrs Anisah Ahmed)

YEAR 2 - Mrs Byers (KS1 Team Leader) and Miss Johnston


PE days: Year 1 - Wednesday pm (outdoor), Friday pm (indoor)

                Year 2 - Monday pm (indoor), Wednesday pm (outdoor)

Key stage  1 consists of Year 1 and Year 2. At the beginning of Year 1 there is a smooth transition from the Foundation Stage with continuous provision areas set up in the classroom. Our lessons in Key Stage 1 incorporate a combination of whole class teaching, small group work and independent activities. As the year progresses the lessons Year 1 adopt a more formal approach to teaching and learning ready for Year 2.

Our learning environment and classrooms make an active contribution to children’s learning and development. Working walls, interactive displays, high frequency words, technical and ambitious vocabulary, text features, book corners and easily accessible resources all contribute towards pupil progress, and celebrate children’s achievements.

Click on the relevant link below to find information on the topics that we cover in your child's year group. Further information can be find under the 'Curriculum' tab.

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Warren WoodPrimary School

Turnstone Road, Offerton, Stockport SK2 5XU

School Office | 0161 456 8171
