Parents/Carers - General info and advice

BBC How to stay connected during lockdown

Coronavirus– A book for children

Everybody Worries – A picture book for children who are worried about Coronavirus. 

KHST -This guide is for parents to help support young children who are being negatively affected by stress.

Building resilience in young children

Building Resilience in children aged 0-12

NSPCC-keeping your cool – Advice on managing stress and anger.

Young Minds – Charity committed to improving emotional well being and mental health of children. 

Worrinots – Child friendly app designed to help children cope with worries and anxieties.

Parsley Mimblewood saves the world– A book about children’s anxieties.


At present the Coronavirus is the cause of much anxiety and concern for young people and families. The link below has resources designed to help cope with such stress and uncertainty at this time. 

CAMHS Resources and Information

Files to Download


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Warren WoodPrimary School

Turnstone Road, Offerton, Stockport SK2 5XU

School Office | 0161 456 8171